Fascinating 3D imagery of venous system
BAS 2017 Conference 18th May, Dorney Lake Conference Centre, Eton.
Dr Jean-Francois Uhl (MD, FacPh, Vascular surgeon, member of the French Academy of Surgery; URDIA research unit – Laboratory of Anatomy; Research Director, UNESCO Chair of Digital Anatomy) kindly joined us from Paris, and gave a fascinating presentation on 3D imaging of the venous system by CT Venography. He enthusiastically led delegates on a journey through the venous system, sharing the knowledge gained through his extensive research into anatomy. His images were an eye-opener!
Dr Uhl also addressed the meeting on the subject of Compression after Sclerotherapy – stimulating much debate since the French view on compression is somewhat different to the UK norms.
Mr Sudip Ray (Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Kingston upon Thames) enlightened delegates on a new procedure for closing the GSV or the SSV using Venaseal™, or vein glue, and explored what can be achieved with this new treatment.
Delegates learned of the latest ways to find elusive veins from Dr Martyn King, (Aesthetic Physician, Cosmedic Skin Clinic and Chairperson, Aesthetic Complications Expert Group). He illustrated by video demonstrations the use of new technologies to illuminate veins – Accuvein, Veinlite, Duplex Ultrasound, Doppler, Venography and new iPhone and Android Apps, and discussed the merits of each. Delegates were able to try out Accuvein at the Q Technology exhibition stand.
Elizabeth Bardolph (LLM BSc RGN INP FRSPH) discussed Issues of Consent in Phlebology and Sclerotherapy. Liz explained why the Bolam Test is no longer applicable to obtaining consent to treatment, and detailed the legal requirements for consent as set out in The Montgomery Test.
There was much interest in the talk by Mr Philip Coleridge Smith (Consultant Vascular Surgeon, President of the BAS) on Sclerotherapy for ankles, feet, hands, arms, chest and face. Many practitioners had questions about the effectiveness and risks of these treatments, and Philip’s views and experience were enlightening. Philip later spoke on The Management of Patients after Sclerotherapy for Small and Large veins, highlighting the critical importance of good aftercare if the treatment is to be effective.
Microsclerotherapy practitioners were interested to hear Mr Alastair Lewis (Consultant General and Vascular Surgeon, Craigavon Area Hospital, Belfast) who spoke on Microsclerotherapy for small veins. He shared several case histories, showing detailed images, and coveredthe basics of examination, equipment and treatment protocols. The audience later had the opportunity to observe first hand as two of the most experienced microsclerotherapists in the country (Julie Halford RGN and Claire Judge RGN) demonstrated their technique and tips to an interested and receptive audience. One delegate commented that the opportunity to observe ‘experts at work’ was invaluable, and that she picked up lots of skilled information and tips!
In a parallel session Mr Coleridge Smith demonstrated foam sclerotherapy treatment using ultrasound, which generated considerable interest as always. Delegates also had the opportunity to watch the new BAS videos of foam and microsclerotherapy treatment.
Following the demonstrations, Dr King reminded clinic owners to make time for marketing; he discussed how he has marketed his own growing and highly successful aesthetic practice, Cosmedic Skin Clinic, and shared his top tips for branding, advertising and promotion as well as the importance of delivering excellent customer service and making clients feel valued. “The biggest mistake in marketing”, he said, “is forgetting to do anything. Being too busy is not an excuse!”
The afternoon concluded with a stimulating Question and Answer session led by Dr Stephen Tristram (Consultant Vascular Physician) and Claire Judge (Clinical Nurse Specialist).
The superb venue, Dorney Lake Conference Centre, was acclaimed by all. Delegates loved the view over the Eton Rowing Lake, where the Olympic rowing events were held in 2012, and the rain held off just long enough to lunch outside on the balcony overlooking the lake – not bad for May. We watched several eights being put through their punishing paces during the afternoon, a relaxing diversion!
The next BAS meeting will be Tuesday 15th May 2018, at Dorney Lake Conference Centre.
Thank you to the sponsors, who make our meetings possible: STD Pharmaceutical (Fibrovein), Credenhill Ltd (Daylong medical compresssion hosiery), Q Medical Technologies (Accuvein), BSN Medical (Compression Therapy), Hamilton Fraser (Cosmetic Insurance and Cosmetic Redress Scheme).
See gallery photos below – scroll down.
- View from Dorney balcony
- Credenhill Daylong
- Hamilton Fraser
- Lunch on the balcony
- Finger buffet lunch
- Enjoying a break
- Q Technologies stand
- Enjoying a break
- Enjoying a break
- Hamilton Fraser
- Mr Alastair Lewis
- Dr Jean-Francois Uhl
- STD Pharmaceuticals
- Dr Martyn King
- Dr Martyn King
- Consent presentation
- Liz Bardolph
- Audience
- Credenhill Compression hosiery
- Audience
- Mr Sudip RAy
- Vein Glue presentation
- Mr Sudip RAy
- Audience
- BSN Medical stand
- BSN Medical representatives
- Dorney Lake balcony
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