BAS 2007 Annual Meeting – 27– 29 April 2007

The British Association of Sclerotherapists held a one day conference at Ashridge Conference Centre, Hertfordshire on 27 – 29th April 2007

The meeting included presentations by eminent experts in the field of phlebology and sclerotherapy.

Live demonstrations followed including both foam and liquid sclerotherapy.

The meeting concluded with a discussion of  ‘Expert Hot Tips’ from experienced practitioners.


Time      Presentation                                                             Speaker

0930       Introduction from the President                                   Phillip Coleridge Smith

0945       Consent. Do we get it?                                               Haroun Gajraj

1015       Patient Selection                                                        Steve Tristram

1045       Assessment Tools                                                     Gareth Bate

1115       COFFEE

1145       Pharmacology; Comparison of Sclerosants                 Mike Watkins

1215       Practical Before and After Photography                      Mike Samuels

Discussion                                                                All

1300       LUNCH

1400       Practical Demonstrations                                            Sue Topp, Claire Judge, Julie Halford

1500       Tools of The Trade                                                     Michael Nerney (USA)

1530       TEA

1600       Microsclerotherapy                                                     Jean-Jerome Guex (Europe)

1630       Marketing your practice                                              Paul Edwards

1700       Expert Hot Tips                                                          All

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