1.0 TITLE 1.1 The name of the Association shall be The British Association of Sclerotherapists, hereinafter called “the Association”. |
2.0 AIMS
The Association is set up to:
· Represent practitioners as a respectable body of experts · Establish and maintain a register of suitably qualified and insured Sclerotherapists 2.1 In furtherance of the aims the Association may do all such lawful things as are necessary for the attainment of the aims.
3.1 Application for membership shall be vetted by the Administrator and approved by the Membership lead. 3.1.2 Membership shall be open to suitably qualified medical professionals who comply with GMC, NMC or GDC regulations and good practice guidelines and can demonstrate relevant clinical experience, training, and indemnity insurance. All members are entitled to vote. Associate Membership shall be open to medical professionals who have practiced sclerotherapy for less than 2 years OR sclerotherapy practitioners who are not regulated by GMC, NMC or GDC but comply with the regulations and good practice guidelines of their appropriate professional body and can demonstrate relevant qualifications, training, and indemnity insurance. Associate members may apply for full membership after 2 years of practice and/or evidence of further relevant CPD or clinical experience. Associate members shall enjoy all the benefits of full membership apart from a listing in the BAS Practitioner Directory. 3.1.3 Honorary or life membership may be awarded to any individual in the UK at the express direction of the Board. Honorary members are entitled to vote. 3.1.4 An honorary fellowship may be conferred upon an individual who has made a significant contribution to the Association and/or to the advancement of the practice of sclerotherapy. 3.2 The Secretary shall notify the AGM of new members. 3.3 The AGM may elect honorary members who shall be entitled to all privileges of members. 3.4 The Association may elect a Patron, with a non-voting capacity, who shall be invited to the AGM. |
4.1 The Association may have a President to be elected every five years at the AGM. 4.2 The Association shall have a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer to be elected every four years at the AGM. 4.3.1 The Association may have additional officers to be elected to the Board at the AGM. 4.3.2 The elected officers shall hold office for a maximum term of four consecutive years, at the expiration of which they shall be eligible for re-election. 4.3.3 The Board may appoint an Administrator, who shall report to the Board, to carry out day to day activities. Short-listed candidates shall be interviewed by at least 2 people comprising Board members and/or the current Administrator. The appointment and appropriate remuneration shall be agreed by the Board. A three-month probation period shall apply 4.4 To ensure accuracy and the integrity of the BAS brand the appointed administrator and two Board members shall have administrator access to all digital communication channels and the BAS website, with the authority to remove any content that may not conform to BAS’ guidelines, until such content can be ratified at the next Board meeting. |
5.1 There shall be an AGM held each year for which at least 21 days prior notice shall be provided to all members together with an agenda. 5.2 The President or the Chair shall preside at the AGM. In the absence of both, the AGM shall elect a Chair for that meeting. 5.3 A quorum shall be three officers and five members which may include members of the Board. 5.4 The Business of the AGM shall include reports from: The Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and shall also include: – Approval of the annual accounts of the Association. – Election or re-election of the President, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and any other officers or board members. Nominations for officers or board members must be submitted in writing or taken from the floor, subject to the nominee’s agreement. – Election of Bankers and a Chartered Accountant, who shall be independent of the Association. – Any other business, which may be requested in writing by any member of the Association, provided it reaches the Chair at least seven days before the AGM. 5.5 Reporting Officers unable to attend shall submit a written report to the Chair prior to the meeting. 5.6 Each member of the Association present shall have one vote in connection with each motion put before the AGM. A resolution will require a simple majority. In the event of equal votes, the Chair shall have the casting vote. All votes shall be taken by a show of hands unless the meeting resolves otherwise. 5.7 The AGM may be held in person or online. 5.8 The Association may affiliate with other organisations upon agreement with the members and approval at an AGM or EGM. |
6.1 The Board shall comprise elected individuals who must be members of the BAS. The term of office is four years, after which board members shall be eligible for re-appointment and may re-apply for a board position. Automatic re-appointment may occur if at least 75% of the other board members vote for this, and subject to the agreement of the board member. 6.2 Officers and Board members shall agree to abide by the BAS Board Code of Conduct. 6.3 Board members shall inform the Board of any conflict of interest that may arise. The Board shall decide how to remove or manage the conflict, which may include requiring the conflicted Board member: · To leave relevant discussions · Not to take part in the decision or vote · Not to be counted in the quorum 6.4 Past Board members may continue their involvement with the Association by serving on sub-committees, special project teams or as advisors to the board. 6.5 The Board may appoint a management committee which shall include the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and up to three board members. 6.6 The Board may appoint sub-committees as and when necessary. 6.7 All such committees shall report to the Board which will devise their rules for working. 6.8 The Board may appoint individual board members to take ownership of and responsibility for driving forward a defined area of the Association’s activities. Board members so appointed shall be referred to as the Lead for that area of responsibility. 6.9 Candidates who apply or are invited to join the Board shall be selected according to the BAS Board Member Recruitment and Selection Process. 6.10 Newly appointed Board members and Officers shall be subject to a six month probation period, at the end of which the Board shall vote to confirm the appointment. 6.11 Serving Board members or Officers may be asked to resign during their term of office if the other Board members agree to request such resignation due to misconduct or actions deemed to be injurious to the interests of the Association |
7.1 The Board shall set the annual subscriptions which shall be payable by members and associate members, which shall then be proposed at the AGM. 7.2 Annual subscriptions shall fall due on 1st July. Membership shall be deemed to have lapsed should any member’s subscription not be paid within one month of that date, unless good reason be provided to the satisfaction of the Membership Secretary or Membership Lead. New members joining after 1st July shall be billed pro-rata for their period of membership. 7.3 The Association’s accounts shall run from 1st April to 31st March. 7.4 The appointment of bankers and accountants shall be made by the Treasurer on the decision of the AGM. 7.5 All monies shall be administered by the Treasurer or the appointed Administrator (in consultation with the Treasurer) who will pay incoming monies into a bank or building society account in the name of the Association. The Treasurer shall arrange, in consultation with the Board, for the proper investment of any available balance and shall account to the Board for all monies. 7.6 Any cheque withdrawals from Association funds shall be against the signatures of any two of the President, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or appointed Administrator, or as may be required by rules of the Bank. Online banking may be transacted by a single authorised signatory, and any payment greater than £100 must be authorised by the Treasurer or in his/her absence by two Officers or Board members, unless said expenditure has previously been agreed and recorded at a Board meeting. 7.7 Board approval is required before any contract is entered into with a third party supplier. 7.8 Travel expenses shall not generally be available for board members, except in special circumstances by advance application to and agreement by the Treasurer. Advance notification of other expenses likely to be incurred by board members in connection with the work of the Association shall be made to the Treasurer for approval, who shall recompense the approved amounts upon application with receipts. Any other remuneration will be at the discretion of the Board and must be agreed and recorded at a Board meeting. 7.9 The Treasurer shall prepare financial forecasts based on assessment of Association income and expenditure to be presented to the AGM and/or half yearly meeting. |
8.1 Any proposal to amend the constitution must be approved at an AGM or EGM. At least 21 days prior notice shall be provided of an AGM. 8.2 A revised constitution shall be subject to approval at the next AGM. 8.3 Such a proposal shall be accompanied by a copy of the relevant part of the existing Constitution and proposed amendments in the documentation for the AGM. |
9.1 If the actions of any member shall, in the opinion of the Board, be injurious to the interests of the Association, the Board is empowered to suspend that member. |
10.1 The Association may be dissolved only at the AGM or at a special meeting convened for the purpose of dissolution. At least the President, Secretary and Chair must be present. The motion to dissolve must be carried by three quarters of members present and voting. 10.2 Before a vote for or against dissolution be taken, the meeting shall determine how the assets of the Association shall be disposed of in the event of the motion to dissolve being carried. |